Information Governance work programme - 2024/25

A picture containing logo  Description automatically generatedDate: 24 June 202

Max Thomas
 Head of Internal Audit
Helen Swan
 Assistant Director – Information Governance






1            Veritau provides an information governance service to North Yorkshire Council. As well as acting as the Council’s Data Protection Officer, Veritau manages all Freedom of Information and Data Subject requests received by the Council. 

2            A total of 1,900 days has been allocated to information governance work in 2024/25. A large proportion of this work involves the receipt, tracking and coordination of requests for information but other work includes the maintenance of the policy framework, the investigation of data breaches and the provision of advice.

3            A high-level summary of the areas for information governance work in 2024/25 is shown in the table below




Policy Framework/Compliance with data protection legislation


Developing policies and processes to support improved information and records management across the council.

Raising awareness of the roles of Veritau and NYC’s Data Governance Team as part of a wider approach to embed good practices, procedures, management of information assets, and a point of contact for general advice and guidance.

Support directorates and service areas as they move toward consolidating systems.

Supporting the Council’s partner organisations to maintain overall data protection compliance.

Personal data breaches

This includes:

·         raising awareness of the process for NYC staff to follow in the event of a breach.


·         reducing the fear factor in reporting and supporting and advising NYC staff to manage incidents that occur.


·         monitoring incidents to highlight trends and proactively supporting services to reduce the risk of future occurrence.


Data Subject Rights


Managing the response to personal data subject requests. Providing advice and guidance to service areas. Acting as the first point of contact with the ICO.

The development and publication of an electronic Data Subject Handbook for NYC staff which will provide a quick and easy guide to assist in identifying types of requests, initial steps, and contact details for Veritau.

Freedom of Information


Managing the response to requests. Providing training, advice and guidance to service areas. Acting as the first point of contact with the ICO.